

China’s central government website (www.gov.cn), says lightning was the main cause of death among 48 victims who died after storms swept up the Yangtze River valley and across southern China recently.

These include, five people building a tomb in Zhejiang, twelve farmers in Jiangxi while they were working in their fields. Also in Jianxi, lightning struck a grandmother and her grandson... when they sought shelter from rain under a corrugated iron roof. Two city residents in the province also died from lightning strikes as they huddled together under a tree (source).

Meantime, sizzling temperatures in Europe claimed the lives of 44 people, while in Pakistan, a powerful cyclone killed 18 persons.

1 Reactions:

Anonymous,  27.6.07  

Hey napdaan lang, check this out too…makes me really worrrey.. ( http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storypage.aspx?StoryID=82577 ) seems like we are in for a global warming shock. Haaay...

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