One horrible night I dreamed that I rebooted this blog.. and when I turned it on again my personal posts were all gone!
I was gasping when I woke up.. hurried up to the damn computer only to realize it's true!
Then it dawned on me.. slowly at first. It was I who did the ghastly crime..!?
What the f..! No, not that word. What the fluke did I do!?
In panic I got myself a freshly brewed Barako coffee.. ahh! ...the best in all possible worlds!
Having calmed down a bit, memories of the previous night came pouring in.. it happened that I opened up a personal blog and migrated all my personal posts to it.
Taking inspiration from my favorite book in the Bible (Ecclesiastes), I named the blog Time and Chance. Just so I can be properly guided I tried to reread the entire book. Then, in the dead of night.. I forgot what happened next. ('must have dozed off again and telepathically transported myself to bed.)
Mystery solved, feel free to visit Time and Chance if you have the time. Or chance. Either way is fine by me.
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