
Filipino Worker Loses Job For Not Using Toilet "The Australian Way"

This juicy bit is a rip-off from the The Huffington Post
. Could we call this toilet discrimination!?

A Filipino contract worker Amador Bernabe, 43, lost his job Friday January 23 for not using the toilet "the Australian way".

Bernabe works as a machine operator for Townsville Engineering Industries. He said that on Thursday, his foreman followed him into the bathroom questioning his toilet hygiene after seeing him (Bernabe) carrying a bottled water inside the toilet.

Despite Bernabe's protests, he claims the foreman followed him into the toilet saying "you can't bring water in there".

"I said it's my personal hygiene. I didn't break any law, I didn't break any rules of the company, why can't I do this, and he said he would report me to the manager.", Bernabe said.

Bernabe was summoned to the manager's office the next day where he was admonished to use the toilet the "Australian way" or he would be immediately fired. Bernabe, seeing nothing wrong with his toilet habits, replied "sir, then you better terminate me"

Link: The Huffington Post


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